Your tax-deductible donations will help our team pay for coaches, fields, refs, equipment, jerseys, and more.
Our sponsors help make rugby happen. Let’s partner together!
Our team offers our quality labor services in the DC Metro area. Moving? Yard work? Painting? We can help with that.
Owned by two former rugby players, Tight Five Pub strives to recreate on a daily basis the time-honored rugby tradition of a communal celebration after every match where players and fans from both teams come together to socialize over food or drinks. Come by the pub tonight to cheer for your favorite team, listen to great live music, compete in pub quiz or our monthly spelling bee, eat, drink, and be merry.
GWUH supports the DC Furies in off field health endeavors, including annual baseline concussion testing, expedited access to physicians and rehabilitation services, and providing athletic trainers for DC Furies home games.